Up until september 2018 there was a nice Whatsapp desktop (electron) application under Linux. Unfortunately this project is abandonned, because of privacy restrictions of Whatsapp (Facebook). But it still can work with a little handwork.
Download of the latest release (5.0): Whatsapp-Desktop-0.5.0.zip
Unzip the 'zip' file and move the contents to folder:
Make the following file within this folder executable:
By default the program does not work anymore, because of Whatsapp's restrictions. Execute the following actions to make it work.
Execute the following steps with the application CLOSED !!!
Edit the file /opt/whatsapp-desktop/resources/app/main.js
whatsApp.window.webContents.setUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36");
Empty the Service Worker
<prompt>$ rm -r "/home/<youruserhomefolder>/.config/whatsapp-desktop/Service Worker"
Don't forget the quotes, otherwise it will not find the Service Worker
because of the space!
chmod -w "/home/<youruserhomefolder>/.config/whatsapp-desktop/Service Worker/" -R
Start Whatsapp desktop and pair again.
Thanks to: jpmunix
Source: link