Filters Plugin

Enovision Filters Plugin for October CMS


Enovision Filters is an easy to implement use of Wordpress alike filters.

Just like in the Wordpress CMS you can use add_filter and apply_filters to modify your content before it send
to the browser.

This plugin is a convenient addition when using Rainlab's blog plugin.


This plugin is licensed under the MIT license agreements.

This plugin is using code that is adapted from the Wordpress CMS.
The license under which the WordPress software is released is the GPLv2 (or later) from the Free Software Foundation.


Install this plugin


What are filters?

Filters are PHP functions that make it possible for the developer to modify the content
before it is send to the browser.

For example you want to add a class to all images in the content, then a filter would come in handy.

You apply a filter to modify content that is offered to you by any plugin, where you don't have influence on the format it is delivered in.

How to use it?

The process exists of 2 steps:


The add_filter is to describe the filter itself and to connect it to a callback function.

It is possible to have more than one filter on the same content.

Priority can be given to filters and have the outcome of higher priority filter to be the input of any lower priority filter.


The apply_filters is the actual appliance of the filters you have defined. When applying you tell the system what
filter (tag) needs to be executed and give the just amount of parameters and the output will be a string that
can be used in your output.


The add_filter is used to define a filter where you describe:

Quick sample:

public function onRun() {
   $filterService = App::make( 'Enovision\FilterService' );
   $filterService->add_filter( 'filter_post_title', [$this, 'filter_post_title'], 10, 1 );

public function filter_post_title( $title ) {
   return '<strong>' . $title . '</strong>';

Explanation of the parameters:

You can place this code in any component. If you don't have a component you can use the Filters
component in the enovision\hooks\components folder. This can be used as a placeholder for filters.
This could be the case when you use the blog/post layout in the Blog plugin from Rainlab and you don't have
a component of your own to add some filters and you don't want to mess with the plugin core of the Blog or any
third party plugin.


When using the Filters component to define your filters, make sure you drag it in the layout in the backend.
Otherwise the filters will not be found.

If you use your own component to add the filters add this (THIS):


namespace Your\Plugin\Components;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App; \\ <-- THIS

class Filters extends \Cms\Classes\ComponentBase {

   ... your code ...

   function strong_title( $title ) {
       return '<strong>' . $title . '</strong>';

   public function onRun() {
      $filterService = App::make( 'Enovision\FilterService' ); <-- THIS
      $filterService->add_filter( 'filter_change_title', array($this, 'strong_title'), 10, 1 );


You can apply in the backend and in the PHP that you execute on layouts or pages.

Applying in the component

Sample (from backend, excerpt)


namespace Enovision\Rocktober\Components;

... other use ...
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;

class Postblock extends \Cms\Classes\ComponentBase {

   ... your code ....

   public function onRun() {
      $fs = App::make( 'Enovision\FilterService' ); <-- THIS

      // This filter we apply here, see listPosts function
      $fs->add_filter( 'filter_title_caps', [ $this, 'filter_title_caps' ], 10, 1 );
      // This filter we apply in the layout, see code below
      $fs->add_filter( 'filter_post_title', [ $this, 'filter_post_title' ], 99, 1 );

      $this->posts = $this->page['posts'] = $this->listPosts();

   /* callback */
   public function filter_post_title($title) {
      return '<i>' . $title . '</i>';

   /* callback */
   public function filter_title_caps( $title ) {
      $new = strtoupper( $title );
      return $new;

    * @see RainLab\Blog\Components\Posts::prepareVars()
    * @return mixed
   protected function listPosts() {
      $fs = App::make( 'Enovision\FilterService' ); // <-- THIS

      $posts = PostModel::isPublished();

      ... other $posts related code ...

      $posts->each( function ( $post ) {
         $post['title'] = $fs->apply_filters('filter_title_caps', $post['title']); // <-- THIS

      return $posts;

Applying in the layout


description = "Default right Sidebar layout"
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App; // <-- THIS

function onEnd()
  $filterService = App::make('Enovision\FilterService'); // <-- THIS
  // or $filterService = resolve('Enovision\FilterService');
  // in that case you won't need the 'use' at the top

  $url = $this->page->getAttribute('url');
  $category = $this->page->getAttribute('category');

  $this['title'] = $this->page->title;

  if ($url === "/posts/:slug?") {
     if($this->category) {
         $this['title'] = $this->category->name;
     } else {
         $this['title'] = 'Blog';
  } elseif ($url === "/post/:slug") {
     $this['title'] = $this->post->title;

  // Here we apply the filter with the code in the component code just earlier
  $this['title'] = $filterService->apply_filters('filter_post_title', $this['title']);
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% partial "site/header" %}
... more twig code ...

In combination with Blog plugin

In the code section:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App; 

function onEnd()
  $filterService = App::make('Enovision\FilterService'); 

   /* Use $this->post->content_html here, not $this->post->content, for that would be Markdown and not the */
   /* rendered html */ 

   /* This filter is defined in plugin Carbase */
   $this->post->content_html = $filterService->apply_filters('filter_reverse_content', $this->post->content_html);

   /* This filter is defined in plugin Lightbox */
   $this->post->content_html = $filterService->apply_filters('content_lightbox', $this->post->content_html);


In the Carbase plugin, Filter component in the (under development):


namespace Enovision\Carbase\Components;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;

class Filters extends \Cms\Classes\ComponentBase
    public function componentDetails()
        return [
            'name'        => 'FilterService',
            'description' => 'Carbase Filters'

    public function onRun()
        /* this is important for the sample */
        $filterService = App::make('Enovision\FilterService');
        $filterService->add_filter('filter_reverse_content', [$this, 'reverseContent'], 10, 1);
        /* this is a bit useles, for it could have be done in one step, but it is for the eduction...
        $filterService->add_filter('filter_reverse_content', [$this, 'strongContent'], 15, 1);

    function reverseContent($html)
        $pattern = '~\[ourl\](.*?)\[/ourl\]~i';

        $newHtml = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($matches) {
            return '[reversed]' . strrev($matches[1]) . '[/reversed]';
        }, $html);

        return $newHtml;

    function strongContent($html)
        $pattern = '~\[reversed\](.*?)\[/reversed\]~i';

        $newHtml = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($matches) {
            return '<strong>' . $matches[1] . '</strong>';
        }, $html);

        return $newHtml;


In the Lightbox plugin, Lightbox component in the (under development):

namespace Enovision\Lightbox\Components;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;
use Enovision\Lightbox\Classes\Helpers;

class Lightbox extends \Cms\Classes\ComponentBase

    public function componentDetails()
        return [
            'name'        => 'Lightbox',
            'description' => 'Display a lightbox, if required'

    public function onRun()
        $filterService = App::make('Enovision\FilterService');
        $filterService->add_filter('content_lightbox', [Helpers::class, 'contentLightbox'], 10, 1);



How is was done

Since October CMS is based on Laravel, we have used the service functionality.
In fact this is not much more than a dependency on application level. In the case
of this plugin we have called it FilterService.

This Filter Service has code that is almost identical to the code used in the Wordpress CMS when it concerns filters.
Some functions have been removed, since it didn't seems very much required. We can't remove filters for example.

The FilterService is instantiated as a singleton on application level, so it can be shared. This singleton is using a class Filters in the classes folder.
This class is instantiated for every unique add_filter tag.

Last update: Tue, 13 Sep 2022 14:32:15